I made a lot of food when I was home over fall break 2 weeks ago. It was awesome! However, I didn’t know what recipe I wanted to share first.
That changed last night when I had the last of the home cooked food I brought to school. This was actually one of my own recipes, and it was super easy!
I had been browsing the interwebs and blogs (shocker, right?!) and seen a few lasagna and pasta and tomato (since it’s the end of the season & everyone is preserving!) recipes, and as my mom was in the middle of making dinner, had a sudden urge to make something too! I asked her to save me some veggies, and got to work.
Low and behold, it came out much better than I thought! It makes a wonderful side to any meal.
It’s full of vegetables, healthy herbs and spices, and tastes, smells, and looks amazing! There aren’t many pictures because, well, (1) I was impatient(!), and (2), I didn’t think it’d be this good, aka blog worthy. That’s a good problem though, right?! Haha.
Thanks to the eggplant’s skin, it can be a bit tough to cut, so use a knife. Once it sits in the fridge and cools, however, it’s super easy to just bit into and break!
Things to remember when choosing store bought sauce (or store bought anything!):
– no added sugar. tomato sauce doesn’t need it!
– watch the sodium. my favorite TJs sauce is pretty high in sodium, and I can tell when I eat it with just veggies! :/ besides that, it’s pretty good
– does it have any other funky additives or preservatives?
This is such a cute little appetizer and combines my favorite things: zucchini, eggplant, marinara/tomato sauces, and spices! You’re bound to love it It would also be a perfect appetizer or side for serving dinner!
~masala girl
what are your favorite veggies? favorite sauces?