weekly workouts- born to sweat + nutrition conference

Like I mentioned, I decided to start Beverly’s workout e-book: The Sweat Series!

I’m super swamped, so I can’t go too into detail, but I love it! It’s a 12 week e-book, composed of 3 4-week individual progressive books: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. I bought the whole package ($50 CAN, or $20 CAN individually), planning to do the intermediate & advanced.

It’s broken down very well! She gives a step by step instruction for each exercise to be performed in the following 2 weeks, followed by the plan for the week, with pictures of each exercise. It’s so helpful! Welp, after reading it all, I decided to start from the beginning instead, because it all looked pretty intense!!

Verdict- IT. IS. TOUGH! I am a sweaty mess after each workout.

lateral band walks on leg day!

Mon- leg day!
4 rounds of 6 exercises, with about a 3 minute rest in between. oopf, burpees.

Tues- 30 minutes of PT for my knee
I went to Quidditch and warmed up with them, but didn’t practice because I was still sick with my cold. I did my PT outside then.

Wed- 3.5 rounds of arms.
I was really not feeling like working out this day, but wanted some movement. Took me a while to warm up, and I took the jumping stuff easy.

Thurs- fell asleep, so I didn’t have time to WO (frustrating)

Fri- 7 am yoga!
Friday was our nutrition conference, kicking off with sunrise yoga! it was hard to get up that early, but so worth it!

Sat- studied all day. didn’t leave my room. took another nap. more frustration.

Sun- full body day!
todays workout was 21/15/9 reps, instead of 4 rounds of 12. While the first round was hard, it was so worth it and I felt awesome at the end!

This semester’s nutrition conference was themed: “Food & Mood”. We had one speaker on Thursday evening, then on Friday, yoga and several presenters and a mini fair! Pictures from the first night, food from the fair!



hummus, veggie “wraps”, veggies for dipping, yogurt, pita chips + granola, apple, 1/2 a kind bar.


Overall, I wish I had gotten in some more cardio, but I was sick and I have 2 exams this week I’m preparing for, so that’s that.

~Masala Girl
how was your week of workouts?

linking up for week in review and workout Wednesday!

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