Race for the Cure & Weekly Workouts & Foods

9It’s been a while. but the series is back! I’ve been doing really good working out consistently, pushing myself, and recovering well, but I’m not seeing too much progress. I thought I’d feel my endurance come back quickly, but not yet. Well, lets see what’s been going on since last time.

Week of May 9th

This was the last week of school. The week before, I got food poisoning on Thursday, and wasn’t able to WO Th-Su. I remember on Wednesday, going for a run, thinking “2 weeks with working out consistent;y, 4-5 days a week, and I’m feeling great! Finallly not sick for a while!” Welp, that lasted long. I was finally feeling good running and had a consistent 3 mile run without stopping.
So that week, I tried to run Thursday, and made it 1 mile for running, and 2 miles of walk/jogging. Friday I did a good yoga flow in my room from yogadownload.com. I LOVE yoga download, because you get hundreds of free 20 minute classes, and some that are longer (and you get many more classes with a paid subscription). Monday, I did a killer heavy weights session- squats, deadlifts, lunges, the last time I lifted like that was spring break. oopf!

Race for the Cure

Finally, the most exciting turned dreaded race of the year (for me). As I said last year, it’s my “race-iversary”. Last semester, I was in the best shape of my life, doing the 10k, then the Vega lifting plan; and this semester, probably the worst. Life, eh? I tried to train, had some (surprisingly) fast times, and then, many slow times, which I still am trying to get over. I knew it’d be hard with the lack of training and the extra weight, but boy, this was a toughy.
Before this race, I had only run more than a mile consistently one time. I tried several other times, but couldn’t maintain it. So, I was definitely scared.
I know some of you may be thinking, “why push yourself; especially if you’re not ready”. Well, because I know I can. I know something has been up. I KNOW I can do this, and I’m not sure why I’m struggling. I need external motivation sometimes, and if it weren’t for the race, the timed event, the crowds, I wouldn’t be able to do it as well. I like to push myself in a race setting.

MMR 5-12
MMR 5-12 splits

The first mile was tough, the 2nd mile felt better, and the 3rd mile felt like death. I felt like crying like 5 times? WHY was it so hard. Then, I finished. With a time from 2 years ago. I have improved EVERY year, and now I’m set back 2 years. Flat out frustrating. (sorry for being such a Debbie Downer Sad smile )

2015-05-16_12.25.25 - Copy

I started out good enough, but it was a struggle to keep my pace. The second mile felt better, and of course my favorite motorcyclists gave me an awesome push! But, like I said, the 3rd mile was rough. I knew I was going slow, but I wasn’t going to check my pace on purpose- it would just be frustrating. I pushed as hard as I could to the finish

R4TC 2016 MMR splits
It’s also kind of hard looking at this now, and seeing how I did so much better in the 2nd mile (kind of shocked), then lost it the 3rd mile. oh well, it’s don’t.

R4TC 2016 MMR

R4TC 2016
pacing according to the R4TC website. all others were from MapMyRun (age//overall place//chip time//clock time//pace)
for races (at least, for R4TC), I go by my MMR time, since it’s what I use when I run every day.

To say I was ready to get back to training without school was an understatement.

When I got home, I had 5 weeks at home before I leave to study abroad!! eeeeeeeeps there are no words to describe my excitement haha. So I planned to get a 1 month membership at OTF (SO EXCITED to be back!) and at GoYoga. I do yoga occasionally and take a lot of free classes around, but wanted to focus on stretching more, and doing more yoga, so I finally signed up for a membership at the studio!

Week of May 15th

Then, sick. with the stomach flu. AGAIN. I went to yoga Sunday, and 5 minutes in, felt nauseous (but was fine the night before, the morning of, and when I got there. so, weird.) I spent all day in bed, some other non-blog sick stuff, and wasn’t able to move around until Thursday
So, 3 days of my GY membership, wasted Sad smile
W– run + yoga. (1.5 mile run out, then walked/jogged back in. followed by yoga. free group session from the Columbus Running Company w/ Balance Yoga!)
Th– Orange Theory wooo!
F– Power Heated Yoga, 50 min


Sa– 1 & 1/2 ish hours at the Y (I had planned to go to OTF, but due to a glitch in the app, I wasn’t able to schedule and the class was full when I got there Sad smile after lots of talking an figuring out what was up and fixing it, I went to the Y, banged out some squats and then a back workout that’s on our Quidditch workout schedule for the summer (more on that later maybe) ). Felt good to do weights on my own, at least!

Week of May 22nd

Su– OTF, because I wasn’t able to get in yesterday
Tu– took a Baptiste Power Yoga Class at Balance Yoga, it was hot. +100*F!!! But nice. I wanted to try it, especially since they had student discounts.
Th– Heat Flow class, 1hr 20 min. With my favorite teacher Smile
Sa- 4 pm restorative yoga. THIS is why I book morning classes. I woke up at 9 as usual and planned to run, but turned on the TV and watched a movie until 11, haha. Then dad & I went to the farmers market (got some greens and Dan the Baker bread, and waiting for beet season!), and I booked a yoga class later. We did some nice hip openers and I “slept” through a lot of it it seemed.


Workout Plan for Next Week

Incorporate more yoga! I don’t want to waste my membership. goal: 3 days of yoga, 1 run, 2-3 days OTF
Food & Recipes Recap & Plan

After the R4TC, I made this Paleo Skillet Carrot Cake from the Athletic Avocado & these apple cookies (added sautéed apples on top!) from Healthy Helper. YUM!



Then some of Healthy Helper’s Strawberry Protein Cookies!

made into bites! the first batch were undercooked AND burnt (see the big marks behind?!) so the 2nd batch I made smaller cookies, and they were SO GOOD. modifications: used AF for the egg whites, and 1/2 Vega one // 1/2 Vega sport vanilla for the protein, used 1.5 tsp. vanilla extract and a few tbsp. applesauce since my protein wasn’t sweetened.

I did some recipe testing while at my moms, and now am at my dads and will get to make dinner for him Smile here’s our latest grocery shop:


This was all from TJs! The berries were on sale, frozen berries and greens are for smoothies (I’m probably having one 5 days a week), mango is unusual but is for these match mango protein cookies, tortillas for enchiladas, tofu (we already had 2 packs at home, along with many cans of beans), garlic, citrus, jicama, veggies for roasting, dried fruit for baking and eating. Frozen meal for gramps.
We already had nuts, and had to go back (to WF, this time) to get zucchini, eggplant, soymilk, 2 large yogurts (will last a while), kale and some impulse baked chips and a new larabar. Will go to Meijer to buy cucumbers, and Kroger to buy Love Grown O’s and bell peppers (since they’re $$$$ at WF & TJ!)

~Masala Girl
wow! that was a long recap. thanks for sticking through!
what were your favorite grocery buys this week, or are you able to stick to the list? Winking smile 
what’s the workout plan for the week?

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