I decided to switch things a little from Beverly’s plan. Instead of doing week 1, week 1, week 2, week 2; I’m doing week 1, week 2, week 1, week 2. For one, to change it up week after week, and two, to see if there’s any change in how I feel performing the exercises
the beautiful rainbow that graced us Monday night while studying! I guess something good can come from rain (I HATE rain!)
M- leg day! squats () and *jumping lunges* (
I really liked the exercise rotation. The single leg glute raises were actually really tough- hard to activate the glutes instead of just kind of going through the motions.
Except, I HATE jumping lunges. I used to like lunges in general, but have always hated jumping lunges. They’re just… so much effort? Haha I don’t know, but I always have to do them in chunks.
W- upper body!
I had an interview *fingers crossed- I find out tomorrow!!* in the afternoon that I forgot about until I was on the way to the gym- oops!! so I went as fast as I could, but only got in 3 rounds. It was mostly bodyweight, but it was still a killer workout!
I ALSO was in a cooking competition: International Top Chef!! It was a VERY close competition and I cant wait to try this again when I have more time!!
Th- treadmill walk while reading
I had a lot of studying for Friday morning’s exam and getting ready for a busy weekend!
F- nada. 8 hours of driving!
Sa- 2 mile run in the morning a a lot of walking
Su- nada, explained blow
So, I did mention the exams, but I didn’t mention that this week was especially busy because I was gone all weekend! Our Quidditch team made it to US Quidditch Nationals (!!) in South Carolina! They always qualify, but this year was especially special (does that make sense? lol). The first day is pool play (all qualifying teams play the teams in their pool based on the outcomes of the games over the school year so far), and the second day is bracket play (those who make it to bracket are determined by the pool play results, and then the bracket is like a normal bracket in sports, like NCAA style) About half of our roster is made up of seniors, so not only do we have a lot of experience, we also had a lot of students that wanted to make it to bracket for the first time in our team’s history, and for their last chance!
Friday’s Panera dinner. I was starved after a long day in the car and little eats, but regardless, it was surprisingly good!
(even if I had to ask 10,000 questions before ordering… praise those girls working that night! hah)
breakfast the next morning. soymilk, tea, thunderbird, apple and yogurt!
We left Friday at ~ 9:00 am, and drove to Columbia South Carolina, an 8 hour drive. Saturday was ALL DAY. We were at the pitch at 8 am, and didn’t leave until just after 9:00 pm. I wasn’t even on the tournament team, so they were there even longer and must’ve been exhausted!! They didn’t play until 11:00 ish, so I went for a run around the area when we got there. Man, I need to get back to running. SO out of shape.
the cheer gets super intense and I love it! they’re just getting ready here.
they fought hard and their 3rd game was amazing!, but they lost the last one, and were out of bracket :/
Then- things went downhill (oh, we’re talking about me, not my run or the team now, lol). I’d had a sore throat all week, but thought it was just allergies. It got worse Thursday night, but I had no time to get it checked out between studying, exam, driving, and getting enough sleep to take the exam and drive. It was fine over the weekend, but my eyes became so inflamed Saturday. I thought it was just allergies, but when I woke up Sunday morning with my eye puffed nearly shut and a lot of… crap… in it, I knew it was different. So I spent half of my day in urgent care instead of on the pitch, to be diagnosed with freaking pink eye. *sigh*, I’d made it so far in life without having this!
part of Saturday’s lunch… a big bowl of steamed veg, roasted potatoes, annnnnd…… a few bites of apple pie from a local grocery café section
My eyes were fine on the way home, but my throat was 1,000,000x worse. And my ears hurt. I could barely talk, swallow or turn my head, let alone be comfortable enough to sleep. We got back at 4:30 am after driving all night and I went straight to the ER. The DR on staff was super nice, and gave me a warm blanket ( <3 ) as I waited, and let me sleep, since it ended up taking THREE HOURS for the strep tests to come back….. NEGATIVE. I had half bacterial and have viral symptoms (of course, I’m always the patient with symptoms that don’t line up with anything (#IBSprobs), so he sent me off with pain meds and throat pain meds prescriptions at almost 8:00 am!
It gets worse… the meds worked like a charm, but the pharmacy was closed that early, and as soon as I felt the meds starting to wear off, I went to the pharmacy to get it refilled. Well, after a morning where my professor was snappy with me (when I explained to him that I’d been sick but still came to class after like no sleep and a night in the ER!), insurance wasn’t working, the pharmacy receptionist was snappy, I called my dad for comfort and he got mad at me for not taking action earlier and complaining about a sore throat, I called my mom and… had a break down in the middle of a Kroger parking lot. lol. crawled to a wall to cry for 10 minutes because I my throat went from 0 to 10,000% pain in under half an hour and I felt like I couldn’t cope because it got so bad in just a night and everyone was mad at me and no sleep and I couldn’t even wipe my tears because pink eye…. it was a rough day and I’M SO SORRY I DON’T KNOW WHY I AM SPILLING THIS HERE. I promise the food blogness will continue. Thankfully, the Motrin kicked in in about 5 minutes and I got my throat meds eventually.
BUT ANYWAYYYYS, finals are coming up in a month, and I didn’t do so hot on my last ochem exam. That means no VegFest (!!!) (ACTUALLY CRYING ), less picture and recipe perfecting, so the recipes I have written up might have to wait.
If you stuck through all of that, THANK YOU! and I hope to see ya’ll soon with some good fooooooooood <3
~Masala Girl
what do you eat when you’re sick?
rain- love or hate? I just HATE being wet. I know, weird.
how was your weekend? or your week of workouts?